B.S. Breakwell Optometrists has heavily invested in the latest technology in order to provide the best care for our patients. With the Optos Monaco, we are able to not only take the widest image currently possible of the retina due to it’s Optomap technology, but along with it’s integration of OCT (Optical Coherence Topography) it allows us to see deeper through the layers of the retina, giving our patients the reassurance that they have had a thorough check of their eyes. Not only do we take the images, we spend time discussing the results and scans so they know that they have had a comprehensive sight test.
Optomap is a revolutionary ultra-widefield imaging technology that is able to take a 200 degree image of the retina, whilst traditional imaging techniques previously allowed us to view a 40-45 degree angle.
This allows us to cover upto just over 80% of the retina, as opposed to traditionally only seeing 15% of the central retina. By seeing much further a field into the far peripheral retina, we have been able to diagnose retinal detachments on asymptomatic patients, as well as hypertensive and diabetic retinopathy. An optomap image is quick and no contact is made with the eye, also giving the added bonus that dilation is not necessary to take such a wide-view image. B.S. Breakwell optometrists is one of  very few practices in the Warwickshire region that is able to offer such technology. Due to the numerous benefits it is recommended with every eye examination and is offered as an enhanced test to our NHS patients.

When using traditional techniques to view the retina, your optometrist has only been able to see the top surface of the retina, however a lot of retinal conditions begin in the deeper levels of the retina.
OCT now allows us to view these deeper layers to notice subtle changes potentially up to 5 years before they can affect the eyesight. This early detection allows us to not only treat certain conditions sooner but also educate the patients in controlling risk factors that can cause them to progress, thus protecting your eyesight. Conditions that can be detected earlier by OCT are macula degeneration, retinal holes, vitreous detachments and glaucoma.